Guys, I'm just writing. Have to complete this one more post to reach my two hundred.

I've no clue absolutely what to write about, but am writing.
My hundredth was on Jan's 28th Feb..almost two months and as Dhoni did recently I did a super fast one. He did it against the mighty Australians. I've done it on a comparatively easier platform.

Just proves that anyone with time on his hands and a keen desire to write can do wonders with the pen. I think my writing's improved with time.
So have my critics!
I take digs at you, you can at me too!
Am a chronic leg puller.

I see your write ups improving with time, but I do wonder where the old writers are!

These spell checks are so funny. The 'Dhoni' I'd just written above is underlined in red. I clicked on said it should read 'dhoti'. ha ha
For a second even the 'ha ha' I just wrote was underlined!
Spell check certainly has a poor sense of humor.

Some may wonder when I'm really quitting. Good question.
Well, Tendulkar never did. Nor did Dhoni.
So wouldn't I!

Some thought naively I'd simply quit when not polled. I proved them wrong.
My love for writing's too much to quit just like that.

So here's to the fellow who did a double before me, and to highly immodest me.

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