If you don't have atleast one person to pour out your mind to, your life is a cage and you are an animal stuck in that cage. Until you find that person with whom you can unhesitatingly speak to , your life remains incomplete. If you are 20 and haven't had that person then you already wasted 20 years making your life miserable and pathetic. The more time you spend without expressing , the more miserable you are making your life. Believe it or not, admit it or not , you badly need someone trustworthy and fidel to open up completely, so that not a single thought goes unnoticed and buried away in your mind. Most people don't realize this early , when they realise it , its too late. Finding such person is like finding God itself. So not many actually get one , but we must keep thriving and struggling for them. They can be your parent, lover, friend , teacher, siblings , or anyone you feel can be worthy enough to be trusted and would be pateint to hear you and not be judgemental.

Tags: LIFE

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