We are very good friends, almost best friends. Nobody said so, but that's so understood. We never had to say that to each other. Others said, and we agreed. Sometimes silently, sometimes openly. We like to talk to each other. In fact, we talk a lot to each other, about each other. I've always been called cute and chubby. Personally, I don't think I'm good looking at all. In fact, I am a little too sensitive when it comes to looks. Sorry for the track-off! This is a result of no planning! Where were we? Yes, we talk a lot. We were talking today, I was teasing him about a girl. Suddenly he looked at me, said something and was back to his computer screen.
"What did you just say?"
"You are beautiful."
I was disappointed. I wasn't expecting this kind of fun.
It might've showed up on my face. He sensed the disappointment and said,
"Kyun? nahi ho kya?"
Unable to take in anymore, I turned away to leave. He said out aloud,
"You are beautiful."

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