I was in class five then. Our teacher had given us an essay to write.
'A trip to Sinhagad'
Now that's a fort where Shivaji or Sambhaji stayed..am not quite sure..
but we had been there on a class picnic recently.
I was new to writing.
So I began..
'I went to sinhagad.
The fort is on a hill.
I climbed it very hardly..'

My Mom read it as she glanced through my classwork later in the evening. She laughed and she laughed.
'It's not 'hardly' dear, it ought to be 'with great difficulty.'

I laughed sheepishly.
Yeah.. it was funny all right..the whole meaning in my last line had changed. It would have given others the meaning,'I hardly climbed it(I never climbed)' instead of the intended one.

See, how important it is to use the right words in the right way at the right time!

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