Love knows no language, just Kindness
Neither do I know how to use that language
But let me give it a try
Being with you is like being with my other side
A single day without you is the longest day of the week -_-
Your texts keep me awake_
sometimes in wait :/ and the others in replies... ^_^
Giving you my time is not what I care about,
It is all about having most of your time!
I love it when you don't let me go in my bad moods
and when you don't mind staying late at nights
I want to be with you in all phases of a day
I hate it when it when you get ill :/
and hate it even more when you don't go for the remedy sooner than you get worse :/
and this is what confuses me more_ of how to relive your pain.
Still you said I get fed up with you...:O
I did not know how to respond to that unexpected "ewww" thing :/
Yeah, I did an unexpected worse thing .. but that does not mean that I love you no more -_-
I know sorry means nothing in front of what I did and how I did ...
Yet I feel really bad about being so cruel and mean
I know nothing about Fixing things right
All I know is LOVING you more
Jut let me tell you that
I love you with all of my heart
YEs, I am bad
but I am like that
Since you don't want me to change
So bear me for what I am :D
cz there is no chance that I will let go off you :D

PS: don't tell me I am a DramA ... :D
I am not -_- Or may be I am :p :p

Tags: Love

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