I've heard this statement so many times.

As I grew up, one girl told me bluntly on my face that I'm an idiot. Because I believed and pursued after Him.
Another friend just looked at me with a smirk on her face, "You talk about God, then why take up this science stream?"
Hello, what has science got to do with Him? I asked.

Science, in fact proves He's real. Scientists have been unearthing what He already made on earth millions of years ago. Atoms and molecules, their behavior, matter, mass ...
Laws of nature. Gravity.

Well, they have been only discovering His handiwork.
Each miniscule discovery only elevates their ego and then they declare, "There's no such thing as God."
How idiotic!

Darwin declared on his death bed that He exists. All his life he pursued vain theories and finally when he realized the truth, it was too late. Mankind had already lapped up his foolish theory of evolution.
They still do.

Everything cannot appear out of nowhere. An intelligent hand was at work. It still is.
Just gaze at the heavenly bodies...how could they have been born from a big bang?
Look at those flowers, each so unique..an artist definitely spraying them with colors at will. They couldn't suddenly appear out of the blue.

And why haven't we humans continued evolving, may I ask?
Maybe into an alien perhaps? Centuries have gone by.

Green landscape, blue skies, moonlit night, dancing flames, twinkling eyes, smiling faces, prancing feet, unique fingerprints...what about these?
Have they evolved over the centuries?

Some say we are God. Just sit cross legged, breathe in, meditate deeply, keep mind blank and lo! We become God.
That's just mind over matter. Visualization techniques.

Folk offer coconuts to please Him, give up all their hair. Doesn't He own every coconut tree on earth? Why would He need your one coconut? And He knows the number of hair on your head. You need them. Why give them away?
He would rather that you offer yourself to Him. The best offering you could ever make to please Him.

He made the sun, moon etc. Not as objects of worship. But that we might worship Him as we gaze at His works of beauty and purpose. They are there to serve us, not the other way around.

There are others who think in order to serve Him, we need to renounce all earthly attachments and go to the mountains. Then in our new garb, we could begin transforming.

True transformation happens when He comes inside of you, changes you inside out. Right where you are. The transformation happens from within.
It's an inside out process not outside in, as religion demands with all its rituals.

Your selfish, self centredness is now replaced with His nature. As you begin living His life out each day, putting to death the self life, now that is true Sanyas! You wouldn't need to go out of the world.

God inside you improves your relationships...doesn't make you give up on them, brings vitality, purpose to your life.
Notice the grass getting suddenly greener, skies bluer and everything around look so vibrant, positive.

'The fool says in his heart there is no God'....how right is His word!
Many youngsters tell me why bother now, just eat, make merry and enjoy life. In old age, we can go after Him.

But dear friend, that can happen provided you live up to an old age.
Suppose something happens to you now and your pulse stops throbbing...

What would you do then?
What answer would you give as you stand before your Maker then?

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