......They reached the deck. There everyone was enjoying their own sweet time. No one seemed to notice good looking man with pistol or a handcuffed damsel. Mr.Chunky Glasses screamed at the top of his voice," Aye, listen up!!!" but no even turned an inch and he muttered under his breath," Now that's downright insulting."
Shzara suppressed a laughter. Her nail flier was in place, ready to attack his thigh with her handcuffed hand which was slightly away from his thigh.The moment he shot with his pistol in the air to draw people's attention, Shzara pierced the flier fiercely in his thigh.He shrieked and Shzara smiled.
The pistol's shot did little to draw people's attention but his scream did the most of the work.Everyone turned towards them.He asked furiously but mostly in a whisper," What the hell was that?"
His chiseled face had gone completely red. She snapped back," My flier!'
"My flier!"
Still confused he asked,"What?"
She rolled her eyes,"My flier!"
Clearly irritated she replied rudely,"Your head,Dumbo!"
Irritated that this was not going according to his plan. He wanted to be the villain but now he is ending up being the joker.He turned towards the crowd who were starring at them, some with shock, some with fear of the pistol in his hand and that he liked now and his face formed into a smirk and with that he addressed the crowd,"This lovely lass is in my custody till she gives me the pearl she is wearing."
Someone remarked from the crowd," Idiot, can't you just snatch it away from her now!!!"Some chuckled and he turned around to see who made that remark and he found all the women staring at him and smiling and giggling. He thought to himself 'Gosh! Do I really look like a joker' and suddenly she replied,"Nope, you look too good be a villain and they are really wishing that they should be in my place with you!!"...He took some time to digest that how she could hear his thoughts and then he realized he spoke out aloud and shook his head. Mr.Chunky Glasses was glaring at Shzara. Suddenly from one corner uncle Klein appeared with a gun which was straight in the Mr. Handsome's direction. He said,"Leave her!". From another corner, Darius came along with his gun pointing at the center duo's direction and said,"Leave her!" And then (cont.)

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