The Couch

Okay, so you have managed to acquire most of the items for procrastination, now what?
well, the best thing about procrastination is, it is like my room, an organized mess, I know my school bag is lying under the heaps of clothes on my table, my favorite jeans is being crushed under the pillow etc.
The point is, you may start up with something and end up entirely on a different note.
You can even mix it up, multitasking is an exceptional asset when it comes to procrastinating. I manage to have my lunch, while watching TV and simultaneously talking on my phone, lying on the couch(you might find my love for the COUCH a little bit overwhelming).
To start it, all you need to do is choose a random object for procrastinating, lets say the couch(-__-), lay on it in the most comfortable position possible, get more cushions if you are not too lazy, then close your eyes and think about anything, everything.
Then, the wonderful express of your thoughts will take you to exotic places.
Now, if someone asks, "What are you doing?", you can proudly state,"Why, just procrastinating.".

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