.....FRIENDS....a word which makes us forget all our problems and makes us remember the happy times.......but in my life FRIENDS never stood the tests of life.....
Those life long......live forever, die together....types friendship is not there there anymore.....People now make friends just for their selfish gains...this is not an acquired knowledge from books or movies but from real life experiences.......
Those real life experiences are from my life.....and not just once but many times.....not that I am poor judge of friends but time and situations changes everything....at least it did in my case.....
My best friend, always been in the limelight started bitching against me just when I moved a step above her......my cute sweet little friend or that was what I thought just turned her back when she started coming first in class......my fun loving....never ceasing the banter stuff friend was just friends with me only because I was beneficial to her......and the one who started to ignore me when I wasn't doing well in the class and just when I topped, her eyes started searching for me.......how spiteful!!!!!....
But still I greet them with a smile......and they turn their backs....knowing I am no use to them.....so...that is why I just stopped making friends......anymore...not that I don't help people but whenever I am needed to do so I do....
Never the less I had my share of good friendships too.....but still the pain, the ache never goes away....sometimes I cried....sometimes I regretted..thinking it was all my fault.....
When you give so much to a friendship and you don't even get back a HELLO in return.....it hurts......
I have always been a conservative, reserved and an introvert person...and I never trust people easily...and I just got one more reason to do so......
But still I move on....leaving behind the past.....because I realize that by breaking my heart they taught me very valuable lessons which I'll treasure always...and one thing I'll always remember no matter what....that never to break someone's trust, someone's friendship, someone's belief on you and most importantly never to break someone's heart........

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