---------She is there every day to make my day-----------

I came from the bathroom and tried to check the time in laptop. The laptop was in sleep mode; I lost 1-2 minutes in starting and checking the time. it was already 11:40 AM. I was getting late for office.
I started putting on my black shirt and jeans which I had put on the bed before going to take bath. Trying to be multi handed; I took the banana, peeled and started eating. Meanwhile, took a sip of juice.
Now it’s the number of socks…I searched the black one today.
I was almost ready for office.

Another bite of banana,
Put up the belt…
Another sip of juice …
Tightening of laces of shoes…
Yes, Was I ready?
Another 2 minutes I think. Yes, I need to shut down the laptop. I needed to check the gmail last time before leaving to office. Of course, how could I miss fb …checked gmail and fb notification.
Thank God, There was none else I would have taken time in replying to gmail o FB.
Now laptop shut down.
As usual, I count my stuff before leaving to office … Purse, I card, Specs…hanky…
Yes, All done!!!
Took up the office laptop bag and left!!!

Oops, Towel!!!….took the towel to put it on drying rack.
Off…so much to do n so less time in morning, why mornings are always like this??
I was wondering in infinity!!!
Put the towel on drying rack and I came out near the elevator.
The old elevator of my building came to 16th floor.
Opened…and I engrossed myself in it.
The elevator stopped and I started going out. Seeing the man in front me realized that it was not the ground floor. I had to come out of my thoughts to realize this thing. It was 6th floor.
Elevator started again and reached ground floor.
I let the other person go out first showing etiquettes.

I came out and noticed her today again. She was sitting in front of the building gate on bench.
Seeing her daily made me to realize about the big journey of life that we all had to go through.
There is the old lady sitting on the bench whom I saw daily.

I didn’t know what to say or how to react to her.
She was there every day …sitting on the bench…looking at people…sometimes with magazine/newspaper…
I felt something in her eyes…whenever I crossed from there...
Her eyes tried to communicate with me… I really never know what this is…but I always felt something…
This is something which we don’t need to communicate…It just can be felt I think…
As always I realized it again that we never need to speak to show our feelings…
Many times unsaid feelings and expressions are best!!!

I looked at her…I gave her a smile…She smiled back.
I waved my hand and we both kept smiling.
That’s the beginning of my day.
Unspoken words…Unspoken feeling sharing with someone who had decades with herself !!!

She is there every day to make my day.

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