I was walking happily down the road one day, when a कुत्ता saw me.
Now I don't like कुत्ता very much.
It stared at me funnily, tongue hanging out, as if it wanted to tell me something.
I stared too.

But कुत्ता slowly rose up and started walking toward me.
Just खेलने के लिये perhaps .
But I got terrified.
And started walking faster.

Now the dog trotted quickly too, पता करने why I am walking fast.
I was really भयभीत now.
I began running.
Now the कुत्ता began running too, thinking it is some kind of खेल!

I ran and ran but felt it was slow motion, like in सपना.
The dog was गुस्सा by now, and ran full speed to catch my पैर .
An इंसान saw me running, he picked up a stone to hit the कुत्ता..
but unfortunately it hit me!

Now I was more भयभीत because situation was getting बदतर.
The अच्छा इंसान was running after the कुत्ता and कुत्ता ran after me!
I cried for मदद.
But more people gathered पता करने के लिए what is happening.

अचानक कुत्ता stopped in its tracks.
It had seen a महिला कुत्ता on the way.
It sniffed her and went round and round her, its पूंछ wagging.

I saw my chance, and ran like mad, looking behind just once to see if the fellow still followed me..
but कुत्ता had called it a day..
he had found his love..
but the अच्छा इंसान still followed me!

Nowadays, sight of अच्छा इंसान...
makes me परेशान!

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