I love you as much as once every five years
I love you like the boiled condensed milk in cans are safe.
I love you like the flowers love the light,
Like the Nightingale in the woods likes to sing at dawn.

I love you like a drunken man who
Likes to drink the morning cup of strong tea.
I love you like the snow loves the winter,
As lovers love to write "I miss you."

I love you - believe me? As children salute
As artists like the abundance of colors.
I love you as much as in the verses do not sing,
How else did not come up in plays and fairy tales.

I love you - more than people love the coat in winters
What about long-awaited,the winter buy.

The last para just explains one simple thing. If you love someone then be patient.People love coats in winter but to love that coat to the fullest, we need to wait for the winter :)

Happy Patiently Love :D

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