"If she's a wall, we'll build upon her a palace of silver; and if she's a door, we'll inclose her with boards of cedar." Classic lines from the Book.

I had read this several times before, but could never understand. Until I heard a man explain it so vividly. A girl must be always like a wall, when it comes to succumbing to sexual temptations. If she's not and is a door, then its better to just seal her up with cedar wood. The girl, of course, refers to an unmarried one.

Somehow this line stayed with me through my teen years. God sends guideposts along our way to show us the right direction in times of real need. Or we're in danger of wandering off course. Now you may say, why bring Him into this? "Its my life," you say. But "A man's ways seem good in his own sight, but the end thereof will be death."

Today's youth have no regard for the sacredness of sex. Its so blatantly misused. I mean, if a girl lies around with dozens of boys before she finally marries one, how could she really, really be satisfied? Won't she ever be tempted to have some more flings again? Or even fantasize of her ex's during her intimate time with her hubby?

A couple already in a physical relationship, would fend me off saying they intend to get married in the near future. Ok, I'd say. But where lies the novelty, the mysterious unraveling of each other, the lovely surprise in the offing, that you could get on the first night? You've already experienced it before. So its just routine now.

I read of a Chennai housewife who works as a commercial sex worker during the day, without anyone including her kids knowing it. A double life. I'm sure this habit was sown in her teen years. So difficult to break.

Mumbai is full of broken young people. A mother I heard about, is not in the least worried that her twenty plus sweet daughter has had two abortions so far. "Its her life," she blatantly declares.
There's no park or promenade where one can walk without seeing couples cosying up, smooching away well into the night.
Where's the sanctity left in it anymore?

I recall a young, thirteen year old coming up to me one Sunday. "Aunty, I want to share something."
She then proceeded to tell me about the dirty thoughts constantly playing in her mind. She could get no victory over them. I asked her simply, "What do you view every day?"
"I do watch those dirty pictures my friends show me on their mobile."

I advised her to just run away from them the next time. And firmly take a stand against any such viewing in future. For, I said looking at them would bring in such thoughts and thoughts eventually translate into action. She smiled sweetly, nodding her head. But I'm sure she's still struggling, as I see her Sunday after Sunday.

"You cannot stop a bird from flying over your head, but you can surely stop it from building a nest over it." The man on TV spoke this morning. How right he was!

It's the same with bad thoughts. If they suddenly cross your mind, it's okay. But don't allow them to take over your mind. Yet don't leave your mind empty as some suggest. Instead fill it up with right thoughts, pure and lovely, also His word. Keep thinking of them all day.

Someone asks me, who made me a moral preacher? Well, I've been tried and tempted too. But "If she's a wall..." somehow kept me on the right path. How thankful I am for those road signs along my way.

Sex is awesome, but only within the boundaries of marriage. I wish our teens would somehow get this truth into their swollen heads.

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