I write.
I write because I need an escape.
I write because I need to share my thoughts.
I write because I need to let things out.
I write because I cannot say them aloud.
I write because I feel too much.
I write because I cannot keep my feelings in.
I write because I hurt.
I write because I need to cope.
I write because I need people to read more.
I write because I need my silent voice heard.
I write because I can.
I write because I feel joy.
I write because I smile through my words.
I write because I can hear the rain against my
I write because I have forgotten how to love.
I write because I am trying to remember.
I write because I want my hope back.
I write because I need peace.
I write because I feel content when I do.
I write because I feel more complete when I do.
I write because I love the way a few words can
be strung together to make beautiful sentences.
I write because I do not know how not to.

::::: PK ♥MâĎĎÝ :::::

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