Yesterday, I was feeling the blues. Monday again!
I hate Mondays. All leave me alone then.

The net wouldn't work. So say bye-bye to friends too, I thought.
Bored and weary, I tried to move my feet around but they felt like lead. Suddenly a call...the connection's back. I beamed with joy.

But as I sat scanning the images flitting by, I still felt unhappy. That was when I watched this video of a poor street boy speaking in eloquent English. My eyes grew wide in amazement. How did he pick up so many languages? He could speak quite a few.

When prodded on, he spoke of his desire for a house, a blanket..he sleeps in the cold..and he wanted desperately a floor. A floor? I was flummoxed.

I looked around. How could I ever complain? I had so much and he? He simply wanted a floor. He needed stability badly, not just wander around as a vagabond. Hence the 'floor' came up in his talk.

So poor! If only he had all opportunities in life, how this smart fellow could have come up in life! But all he could visualize for his future was to earn a tag as a rag picker sometime in the near future. He would remain that all his life.

I was shaken. How could I ever grumble and complain when there was so much need around?
I resolved to shun that 'I' and turn it around into a 'U'.
To make someone happy, to serve, to bless are now topping my wish list.

The little boy had jerked me upright.
For I had wanted more.
But he wanted only a floor.

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