Seated on a chair in the deep thinking looking at the sky, the sun was ready to dawn. The orangey dusky sun, the blue sky, the sweet singing of birds drove me into another word. Thinking about the past, “Why did I do that?”. My intentions were never wrong but still I committed a mistake intentionally. Why there is not a technology like Corretometer, who can measure your mistakes and tell you that this is not correct don’t do this. I wish someday some technology will bring this so that people like me can correct their mistakes.
The two words ‘heart’ and ‘hurt’ which pronounce similar. The person who has discovered these two words must have thought something. Suddenly a drop of water falls on my hand. I am surprised…Why it is coming?? After 6 years now, I am not able to forgive myself. That guilt is running in my mind all the time. Why I left the person, who loved me madly? Lost in the tears…. Thinking about the time when we were together “The time I never appreciated”. “Is face value very important?”..If it is then why I am feeling lonely today? I am beautiful; I should have a number of people like him. But no…no one is here like him. Nobody loved me like him. I wish, I could go back to tell him that how much I miss him.
Snigdha, a voice broke my deep thinking, “what are you doing there”. I looked at her and asked “why there is a body part called heart, which really gives pain when it gets hurt”. She just smiled in a questionable expression.

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