My newspaper headlines screamed for my attention on page 15 today.
It lauded this plucky Democrat woman who spoke for 11 hours nonstop, without even a break to the washroom, to successfully derail an anti abortion vote by the Republicans.

She, a divorcee, sold orange juice to support her Mom and siblings when young, raised her daughter single handedly in a trailer park, went on to study law and finally represent Texas senate.

She filibustered (an action such as a prolonged speech that obstructs progress in a legislative assembly while not technically contravening the required norms..) parliament proceedings without resting, toilet breaks or even leaning on furniture for support.

Within hours her twitter followers rose to 57000.

Now, as much as I laud her utter dedication to her cause, I just feel like asking her.. is it a worthy cause?
Fighting for abortion?
Killing of millions of innocent unborn in the Mom's womb?

Won't it encourage more incest, multiple teen pregnancies, not to mention trauma both physical and emotional in the moms too?
How does she plan to cope with emotional scars left on scores of women who would never be able to deal with the sheer guilt of destroying a life in their womb?

What do you say readers?
Was her deliberation worth all the effort?

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