Kids are restless at two.

Church going was a must for all of us. So we packed a bottle of milk, a jar of 10-15 glucose biscuits for the tot. The initial songs over, he would start squirming for his milk. It would be gone within seconds and then onto the next item on the menu. Biscuits. So as we all praised God and prayed, he watched all of us, munching his glucose biscuits. He finished them all. (No wonder he was the chubbiest baby around).

Finally the preacher came on stage. kiddo was probably bored of him, for he nudged one of us inevitably out of the packed auditorium each Sunday morning.
This went on every Sunday for almost two to three years till one day he found some one his age to run off and play with.

Kids are blunt at two.

We were invited for lunch to someone's house one day.
After the initial hi's and hellos, I wished to use the rest room.
The little fella followed me and standing outside the door, yelled, 'Mama, what are you doing? Potty?'
Exactly as I queried him each morning as he sat on his small, dark blue potty stool.

I was so embarrassed! The hosts' kids began giggling. My boy kept repeating his question while I was gritting my teeth inside.
Now how do I answer him? That I'm NOT doing potty, but only susu?
It was horrible.
'Wait till I come out!', I wanted to scream.

Now he's grown up. But I still can't forget how cute and funny he used to be all the time!

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