Sometimes you get so engrossed in your teen age life that things of when you were little kid seems like from a whole new lifetime . Sometimes in phase of growing up , you loose all that and now looking back in time ...Oh ! How i yearn for those moments even though i know i won't ever get 'em back ..

Going down the memory lane , I remember all those games ,those idiotic little things which seem to have extinct from lifestyle of today's kids .

I remember playing with mud .. or rather playing IN mud. The times when all my colors got lost ,Which was almost every time i got a new set , and then begging from my sister for her broken pieces ( She had this nasty habit of snapping her's into 2 i.e if my parents were lucky then 2 or mostly it was 4 or 8 ) and coloring with those broken pieces which my generous sister used to give me and feeling that stab on seeing the whole , long colors of some older kid.

Playing in the hot scorching sun at 3 O'clock in May , running wild on the road , I was the kind of girl who was always dirty , I remember me and 1 of my frnd shreya , scavenging on our cycles , searching for pups and then their naming ceremony and all we came up with was usually *Makdu* and *Pakdu* and all the mess we made during that .

I remember the hype of "Shakalaka Boom Boom" pencil ..You guys remember that clown face ?

And God knows how many packets of those tasteless chips we ate just for the *Tazzos*

"Catch 'em all , Pokemon" The craze of collecting all tazzos and then came the *Zanga cards*..

Childhood is idiotic , its intoxicating , its wild , it'a all about being crazy and sometimes even frustrating but stil its the Best Times of Our Lives ..

Be it the "Nocci Badalne wali pencil" or be it the fights during playing "Pittul" ,All such memories actually chase away our blues .

These are the things which help us Up when everything seems to push us Down .

Never let the child in you get lost and at times let it come to surface because no matter what you are today , who you are today ..sometimes , somewhere back you were also a kid with dreamy eyes doing silly things and actually making a history ..

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