She was returning from the market. She had to cross the railway tracks on her way home. Her home still a good half hour away.

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't see the approaching train.
She looked up. A school girl was waving madly at her. She noticed the oncoming train.

Just in time to switch over to the other track. A train sped past her within minutes.
She walked, head bent, absently again.

"Aunty!" The same voice again.
The same girl screaming, gesticulating wildly with her hands.

She saw another train hurtling down her track in the distance. She swiftly moved away, shocked at the suddenness of it.

She smiled at the girl.
She had saved her life not once, but twice that day.

The woman in her middle forties reached home and recounted the happenings of the evening to her family.

"How could you be so absentminded, Mom?" they reprimanded her severely. "No going out alone anywhere in the future."

She was glad she was alive. She remembered the little girl, an angel in disguise. Had she not been there that moment? She shuddered at the very thought.

We thank God for the girl too.
Who saved our Mom.

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