....Just glanced at my watch...it was like time had stood still...I was impatient to go but couldn't....it was not like I was very eager to meet my father but three years were a long time to be away...I think so...
I entered the house, everything was as quiet as it has been for several years after my mother passed away and my father and I stopped talking...because we had problems..actually I had problems with him and myself. My father has always been the jolly type and me the exact opposite, the angry one in the house. So to control my anger and use it in the right direction I joined army. Years of rigorous training and now I am ready to serve my country and behave well.....
I searched his room but he was not there,I think so he has gone out. So he wasn't expecting me but why should he?? I never informed him that I am coming....I glance at the pictures hung on the wall depicting him and me laughing and smiling when I was young with my mom, my world.But everything is just lost now,I feel...
I got freshed and sat down in the hall, hoping sometime soon he turns up...and I can just greet him with a smile at least...but suddenly I hear something...no nothing just my ears ringing....no there is something....my senses can't be fooled....something is ringing...like those wind chimes I guess...a delicate sound not heard before....
I moved in the direction where the sound is coming and I find myself on the doorstep of the kitchen....I see a woman her back facing me...she was fair but not like me definitely Asian. Her black hair flowing with the wind and often covered her face. Then she swayed them back with a swift movement of her hand and they came to rest on her bare back.She was wearing an Indian attire I guess,she was wearing a white blouse which was held together by only one knot at the back....the blouse had thin straps..and she was draped in a white transparent cloth which had a border of a dark or some type of pink...It was ??? what you call it...some SAEE...no...no SAEER...whatever you call it.
I carefully noticed her to determine from where the sound was coming....but I could not find the thing but whenever she moved the sound came..kind of ringing of bells but I couldn't define it....
I was getting irritated with the sound and I walked up to her and said in a stern but low voice," Excuse me??"
She turned with her long hair brushing against my face and she looked at me...and at that moment for the first time I had no words....I got just blank like lost in her deep black eyes........{contd}

Tags: Love, ROMANCE

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