How sweet these words are.Like nectar to a hungry soul,a balm to the weary mind.
A sure reprieve to endless boredom.

Especially when the long winded lecture of this stocky,bespectacled professor comes to its much awaited end with 'and finally'.
The audience,dozing so far, is suddenly jerked upright in their seats,by the distinguished guest on the podium,whose inaugural address had gone too far..
Or even those boring,board meetings where the boss has all the say.
All of them have one thing in common..the listeners craving for '..and finally.'

The word 'final' has such an air of finality about it.It's impossible to describe.

Kids appearing for their final exams..look forward to a glorious vacation.
Graduates-to-be are on tenterhooks studying hard for their finals.

The young man glued to his books in class,mind on that pretty girl,his crush..she suddenly turns..and finally their eyes meet.
The much harried, aging mom gets super excited when her stubborn son finally agrees to marry that girl she liked.

That middle aged executive finally gets his promotion,he wanted all his life.
The wayward son finally kicks off his habit of taking drugs.

A wearied fellow in the queue finally gets upfront,only to be told the man at the window's gone for lunch.

It has its tearful moments too.Like when your sweetheart leaves you finally for good.
A beloved colleague says a final farewell at the office.

It can be scary too.As when the Principal gives a final warning to the truant pupil.
Or the voice at the airport says,'this is the final announcement,' to a man who is about to miss his flight.

..And to cut my story short..I can hear the snores already..

Finally one day they'd lay our body to rest...

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