.........Just returned from watching MAN OF STEEL.....and I was like glued to the screen for the whole time....Oh my,my....I was just spellbound!!!!!!
...........Firstly to begin I thank them for getting the superman rid off that red underwear....it was a great relief!!!!....secondly I expected it to go with the monotonous story line...the same baby crashing on the earth, the Clark Kent with those chunky glasses and with the job in the newspaper agency.....but this movie took a turn and a twist for the best.....
The movie excellently explained everything about Superman...the before ones were based what people thought about him...but this one got his emotions, his insecurities on the screen.....with excellent screenplay it was worth all the trouble I took to see it.....
The gorgeous Henry Cavill played his part convincingly....with his sharp features and a newscaster voice...he was able to create an impact as our most loved super hero...the lovely Louis Lane did her part well...and the rest of the cast was a perfect fit in..
But what got my attention was that in the last fighting scene when that dangerous looking Zod was fighting with our superman...they flew here and there, then here and then there.....for one minute I thought they took a world tour with that speed, fighting and flying all the way....but how come our dear Lois land in the place where they were fighting in a matter of minutes....it pops up the question what was the use of all this flying,when they could just walk their way up there???......
Anyway, if we just overlook that flaw....the rest was just too awesome...fantastic....amazing...and what to say!!!.....'SUPER'-b!!!
Lets conclude this with my one of the favorite dialogues from the movie-
Colonel(male) says,"What are you smiling at,Captain?"
Captain(female) replies,"I think he(superman) is kind of hot."......
........and there was LOL in the theatre.....!!!!

Tags: My take!!!

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