*A Guy Has Feelings Too*

Often a girl misunderstands her guy, thinking that he
doesn't show up his feelings. But in reality a guy is completely different from what he makes a girl feel. He cannot express himself, and even if he did, its just half of what he actually feels.
Girls, We don't believe in showing up our love, care &
affection, We want you to feel it from your heart. Our
love isn't a participant of a competition, rather it is the
deeper feeling anybody would understand!
And you think we don't love you as much as you do!
Girls, We are possessive about you, and seeing you with some other guy, doesn't just make us sad but we feel our
world is with someone else. We get angry because we can't imagine you with someone else other than us. We are not over-possessive, We just want you to be with the ultimate guy,
Who is perfect for you.
And you think We Over-react! Girls, you are the second lady We've ever loved so much!
First was our Mom! And after you, it would be
our little daughter.
And you think that every single girl we talk to, is special.
Girls, We know sometimes we can't give you as much time as our relation deserves, but that's just because we are busy
preparing for our better & bright future.
And you think We ignore you.
Girls, there's nothing more prior to us than our
relationship, yet certain things are important, and they
can't be ignored. That just doesn't mean we are placing
things above you, its just that we want you to understand.
And you think we are busy.
Girls, remove this thought from your mind, We can never leave you. For if we ever did, we will leave our heart, soul &
everything. Just trust us, no matter what, if one thing that we
can't give up, its you! Our relationship!
And you feel that we can't love you as much as you do.
Girls, We love it when you are the last person we talk to before
We sleep & the first when we wake up. If ever we didn't receive
your call, that would be our bad luck. If ever we couldn't
talk to you, it would be our hard luck.
And you think it doesn't matter to us when you call.
Girls, our heart skips a beat every time we look at you. You are the angel of our life. Our saviour! Our better half, our
wife to be, our soul mate, our everything. Just if you could
understand that:
We would always be there for you! Every time! ~
Remember that u don’t choose love. Love chooses u.
All you can really do is accept it for all its mystery when it comes into ur life..
How u deal with love is how u deal with u, and all our
hearts feel the same pains and joys, even if our lives and ways are different...
love can be a reason to live for someone & to live life
too...love can make us strong....or weak too...love is a strange feeling...yet its great too... ( I Hope Now
Guys Wont Complain I Dont Write About them n their
Feelings...) !!!

::::: PK ♥MâĎĎÝ :::::

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