mallu's Diary

mallu's Diary

Open diary

loves life, laughter n fun... writes of everything under the sun

Female, india

Diary Entries (6)

Sep 30th, 2013 10:21 PM

was aching day..monday..
rested lots...hubby made rotis..wernt round but odd shaped..mominlaw told him he shd hav asked her to make em
am wondering..wats happening to dadinlaw? in his pain as such..but still fully bedridden
god s making us patient

Sep 30th, 2013 10:15 PM

coming here after loooooooooong time
having grt time as usual
more interactive dan before..
pollers woken up suddenly
hummers vanished into thin air..
class writers with grt stuff
somehow its becoming a closeknit family..
cannot leave even if we want to:)))

Aug 3rd, 2013 10:08 PM

whew..survived dis day
dad-in-law's in bad shape..crying
depression threatened to set in like black clouds looming over the sky.
but i distracted myself with some baby steps with online painting..twas fun..
then watched a good prithviraj mallu movie in the evng..
he's so astonishingly gud luking..

Jul 31th, 2013 10:37 AM

hey, i discovered there's sum1 on this site much older than me..haha
wat a relief!!

Jul 30th, 2013 2:03 PM

here am i.
hectic day..brkfast, sonny's tiffin, kept things spic span for mominlaw, shopped for veggies n essentials, bck frm class..the young,pretty german maam taught grt again as always. Amazing poise n dignified she is..
wondering when i would stand like her n teach flawless lingo like her!
sleepy..super cool rainy weather..!

May 18th, 2013 2:21 PM

hoping for something ..nice n sweet

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