kanchan's Diary

kanchan's Diary

Open diary

it feels great whn sum1 is happy because of me

19 years old, Female, kolkata

Diary Entries (1)

Feb 07th, 2013 11:08 PM

happy rose day..
the worst part of being in long distance relationship is u feel the pain that ur bettrhalf is not with u..i just felt it today..i usually feel strng....but today i lost all the strength ..i need him alot..everywhere love,mine is far away...
waiting for him to meet me..everyday i cant cry..evn tears hv stopped cuming to my eyes..
just a little pain in heart..thats it..
i want him to realise this..i truely miss him alot
more than words can say,more than i can write..more than anythng else..

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