JOhn's Diary's Diary

JOhn's Diary's Diary

Open diary

its about what an average teenager has to come up with each and every day of his life until finally he could let out the sparkles of light in him and let it burst like a fire work ;) until that day comes he writes because it's his passion

17 years old, Male, Mauritius

Diary Entries (1)

Jan 07th, 2013 8:53 PM

sometimes i lay in my bed, staring at the roof but strangely the roof is no more present it's like i can see things through it, this that in real life i can't handle, i can't even think doing, things that destroy me from the inside out and that at the same time heal the abyssal scars that hold my heart. Imagination is the mother of intelligence, of poetry and of good things. i could not even thing of a world without it, a world without vision, without hope, without faith. a world like an empty shell. maybe my roof is magical or is it my bed? magic resides in the beauty of thoughts and no where else ;-)

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