This is about I, me and myself...I am a true be precise..a day artist ...nd an open heart yet holding so mch inside..tht's ol abt me..
27 years old, Female, Bangalore
So far I always believed in "Follow your heart" theory..and trust me indeed it works...
As usual Monday is the heaviest day when you kind of have battle between your heart and mind..aah..Today, I was not at all feeling like going to office hence made a ready to go excuse of "Down with fever" and took an off. Well now I don't regret it because ,it gave me chance to visit through this interesting website.In no second I opened my account and found some interesting and new writers like me :). To start with I am sure this will be really interesting to put my thought out..
Own a diary. Keep note of what is going on in your life. It would be amazing to look at it few years down the line. Or, you can have a diary of your imagination. A life you want to live. Note down what your character will be doing each day. Live a different life. You can keep it personal. Create one now. You'll love this concept. Login to create new.