I am Dr nitin, practice as Infertility consultant and sex therapist with counselor.
27 years old, Male, Surat
Today a young teenager girls come with history of irregular menses since puberty(first time menses come) she taken medicine but problem with her that only her regular menses come when she taken medicine otherwise it comes after 2-3 months.
I advice her for USG (sonography of abdomen)and some hormonal profile find out hormonal imbalance may cause same kind of picture.
She give history of irregular menses of her older sister too and after marriage she have no any issue and take treatment of infertility.Her mother also have same problem in teenage.
Strong family history suggestive of hormonal imbalance.
She is also under weight.
I recommended her for increase her body weight to get regular menses because underweight is one of the cause of hormonal imbalance
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