DJ RAGS's Diary

DJ RAGS's Diary

Open diary

nothing much...just meee...I may not update it daily but it's something for me

13 years old, Female, INDIA

Diary Entries (5)

Jan 04th, 2013 7:52 PM

today i learned that the guy I have a crush on hates hell :(.....I feel like ... i can't say but I've decided to never think of him again...
anyways...I'm still not fine but :):):)

Nov 12th, 2012 12:27 AM

HEY!!! wassup?! gonna watch Final Destination 5 today

Nov 11th, 2012 1:22 PM

Today, I dreamt about my best friend and I didn't like the dream much coz I was unable to derive any meaning out of it. horrible!!! Why don't dreams come with a msg, a moral. At least I would know what I need to do in troubled times. dreams are such a mystery...don't wanna write anymore... I'm goin... bye!!!mwah*

Nov 10th, 2012 8:39 PM

playing badminton with my cousin. She just had a bad eye operation. Gotta go ... she's insisting!!! Ok ... bye love ya!!!

Nov 10th, 2012 12:11 AM

Aaj mann kar raha hai mano I should go and sit with me alone and, obviously, by that I mean ME and GOD. I want some time alone and I want to think about all I've done all I can do and I also need to prepare for my exams after the vacations get over. I want to ask GOD whatever I've been doing is right or not? Can I lie for a best friend? I let him copy, is it right? Who are actually my friends? I love someone, does he like me? I don't want to like him yet I keep talking about him, not knowing whether he likes me or not. Love is such a trouble... some kinds of love only.'s going good(not so bad at least) and I love GOD for giving me such a life. He gives me more than what I deserve. And this love is not a trouble...back to work...

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