David Erickson's Diary

David Erickson's Diary

Open diary

Life in the trenches.

64 years old, Male, Antioch, Ca

Diary Entries (10)

Sep 04th, 2013 00:29 AM

Well, been writing like crazy and got my The Northern Force Book Four completed. Editing it now. The ebook will be available on Nook and Kindle soon.

Now on to the next book to complete..Awesome!!

Aug 22th, 2013 11:51 PM

Oh, my it's time to write in my neglected diary. You got to read my new blog about Apathy. Too many in our world are apathetic of the real life around them. They are so involved with their own problems and concerned, which is understandable, but what of those who need us to comfort them. What about those who walk the streets and sidewalks alone without hope. If we have a ounce of hope we need to share it with anyone who will listen. Yes, there is hope in each of us for someone else.

Aug 21th, 2013 03:22 AM

Well, it's been a long time, diary. Life flies by and the diary is neglected. I am back and life is excellent. Oh that reminds me. I just wrote a blog called "Living Intentionally for Excellence. Read it. You'll like it.

Oh, yeah, what about "Personal Revival?" Another good writing for all to read. Just do it

Thank you, diary. see you soon.

Aug 3rd, 2013 08:37 AM

The hurricane is coming, and Jim Norse is in trouble and what's he to do? He's out of the fire and into the bpoiling pot. (not literally) The real storm is coming...good thing. His wife may want to get even but everyone will be too busy surviving in LA. Watch and listen the hurricane is coming...

Aug 2nd, 2013 04:42 AM

added 5 pages to Hurricane blast....More to come.

Aug 2nd, 2013 04:41 AM

Felt creative the last few hours. if i could type, I'd be better off....LOL I'm going to use my voice recognition to finish my books...this is crazy typing.

Aug 1st, 2013 9:10 PM

Another day, another opportunity for greatness. Let's do this!! Yesterday I found some of my ancestors way back in the 15 century. So awesome. today is write day and post. Here goes.

Jul 31th, 2013 07:02 AM

Getting ready to go get inspired!! Fired up!! God is Good!!

Jul 31th, 2013 07:01 AM

Great, great, great grandfathers and mothers, wow, I never knew I had.If I could type better, I'd probably be a better writer.

Jul 31th, 2013 07:00 AM

Spending way too much tine on Ancestry.com. Fulfilling when you find out your wife had a brother whom she never even knew about until today. OOps!! Sometimes that could be ...

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