a collection of my thoughts, hopes, fears and musings...
Female, Hawaii
I couldn't bring myself to call today...at least not yet.
I think finding that letter on my doorstep last week threw me for a bit of a loop. Even if it was a bit expected.
I still haven't told anyone, yet somehow it seems he already knows on some level.
I'm definitely not good at hiding things. I wear my emotions on my sleeve for sure.
I still have about an hour to make the call, but most likely will not.
There's always tomorrow.
I have until March 2nd anyways...
Own a diary. Keep note of what is going on in your life. It would be amazing to look at it few years down the line. Or, you can have a diary of your imagination. A life you want to live. Note down what your character will be doing each day. Live a different life. You can keep it personal. Create one now. You'll love this concept. Login to create new.