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John Common is a common young man. He was born
in a common community in a common country to a
very common family. Mr. Common went to a common
school when he was young and he had a common
sister named Jane.
After John graduated from a common high School in
his common town, he went to a common college not
very far from his mom and dad’s common
home. For four years he went to this common
college and finally graduated with a degree in
Commonology and decided to find himself a common
job and a common apartment for himself.
This is where our story begins, but first
let’s talk about the common state of things
when John Common found a job in Commonology.
As John got older, his little common community
got larger and larger. It really wasn’t
common any more. The common grocery store was
twice as large and the prices were four times the
common price. When he got fuel for his common car
the common price was way more than common.
Speaking of his common car, his common car was
too common and he wanted something that
wasn’t common before he decided to get a
common job and to start a common family. John
Common bought an uncommon car with an uncommon
payment and then drove his uncommon car around
looking for a common job.
John’s common parents attempted to give
him some common advice. They told him to find a
common job like they had with a common wage in his
specialty of Commonology.
Mr. John Common did not want a common job with a
common wage. He had worked hard for four common
years at a common college to get a degree in
Comonology so why should he get a common job for a
common wage?
common price. When he got fuel for his common car
the common price was way more than common.
Speaking of his common car, his common car was
too common and he wanted something that
wasn’t common before he decided to get a
common job and to start a common family. John
Common bought an uncommon car with an uncommon
payment and then drove his uncommon car around
looking for a common job.
John’s common parents attempted to give
him some common advice. They told him to find a
common job like they had with a common wage in his
specialty of Commonology.
Mr. John Common did not want a common job with a
common wage. He had worked hard for four common
years at a common college to get a degree in
Comonology so why should he get a common job for a
common wage?
But John could not find an uncommon job with an
uncommon wage because he did not have uncommon
experience. So what was John Common to do?
Chapter One: Out of Control
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Chapter Two: Regulation Mania
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Chapter Three: Entitlement INC/ Foodstamps To Go
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Chapter Four: Immigration Chaos
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Chapter Five: Unemployment Stampede
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Chapter Six: Debt Enablement
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Chapter Seven: Physical Incapacity
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Chapter Eight: Integrity Gap
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Chapter Nine: Spiritual Bondage
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Chapter Ten: Social Endangerment
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Chapter Eleven: Deteriorated Culture
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Chapter One: Out of Control
Chapter Two: Regulation Mania
Chapter Three: Entitlement INC/
Foodstamps To Go
Chapter Four: Immigration Chaos
Chapter Five: Unemployment
Chapter Six: Debt Enablement
Chapter Seven: Physical Incapacity
Chapter Eight: Integrity Gap
Chapter Nine: Spiritual Bondage
Chapter Ten: Social Endangerment
Chapter Eleven: Deteriorated