A Midsummer's Love Tale

By - Vikram Gulati in Fiction
Rs. 70.00 (INR)    ( login to buy )
638 Pages

Published on: 7th Jan, 2014

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Excerpt: (few words from the first chapter ...)

Vikas was smart, fair complexioned, had wavy black hair, looked more like a model, and was of athletic build. A well-established lawyer with a fairly intelligent mind, and lean looks. Except that 'intelligence' today is measured by the amount of zeroes your bank balance supports, and not by the 'intellectual property or prowess' you might have built up over the years. So apart from being a fairly good lawyer with a fairly good bank balance, Vikas was plagued by the vagaries of his profession which called for the utmost care and commitment. One slip and the whole case could go for a six.

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