There were two boys who lived happily.
The strrugle that they went through no-one ever noticed.
They had the power to make everyone smile and laugh around them.
They were
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The man who once was a baby who came into the world with the tears,
The man who was treated the same as everyone else in this world,
The man who never gave up on anything because
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There lived a girl where her barrier was the so called 'society'. She was all crazy with her besties,she was a doll to her parents,She never gave up on anything,She was such a brave and
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There was a girl deep and shy,
Her secrets were kept untold and mysterious
For one day she woke up from a dream
She realised,the world is fake
people here are
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Mother is a precious gift to all
so,dont play her like a ball,
she is the one in the world
so brave and bold,
she takes care of her children very gently
and handles the works of home very kindly,
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