How do u know,that this is "Love" ?
How do u know,that he/she is "The one" ?
How do u know,that you are worth it ?
How do u know,that you'll willingly do anything/everything just to be with that person (even for a bit)?
How do u know,that its not just another infatuation ?

Well.. We really don't. Nobody knows.
We just keep on trying to make it perfect - ourselves,our 'so called' relationships,the celebrations together,blah blah blah. We try,so hard,that we forget that "our love" does not need us to be perfect. We should remain who we are. Its not about losing our identities,its about merging ours n theirs. Its not about losing ourselves,its about finding our true subsistence.

I am a 20 year old girl. Who happened to hate the new generation "boyfriend-girlfriend" thingie. Well,i had a reason. I had been hurt. Not once. More than that. Not only by the guy i used to 'love'/'like', i dont know what..but also by my besties. I was a girl,who had a broken heart and a broken soul,which i thought could never be fixed again.

And life was going on.. I dint care about others' feelings,dint give a damn to anybody except for my parents. But i guess,somebody had other plans for me. That supreme one wasn't happy with me. I think He wanted me to Live my life and to appreciate it. So,He planted a new character in my life.

Now enters the person I am in love with at current date. See,I am already smiling. Just his thought has that effect on me. Well,it was not like this from the beginning. He can be described as a person,who you wont like when you see him first. (I know he will curse me to death if he reads this,but that's the truth) He is such a person who you can either hate the most or love the most. In my case,love the most :). He is a person, who can make you laugh and cry with a single statement of his. He is kind of a crazy person,but his heart - Golden heart. He has soo much love within himself,that i had not seen anywhere else ever. After meeting him,getting to know him..I went on asking myself all those questions mentioned at the top. How do i know ? How ?

But,trust me,i dint have to wait till i find the answers to decide who he was for me/who he is for me. In the Hindi movies,they say you will just get to know that he/she is right one for you. And i used to think how on earth can that be true !! But it proved to be. Two days of knowing him,and i could tell.. Tell that yes,I have found "my THE ONE" - 'my soulmate'. He doesnt go all mushy-mushy on me,he doesnt make me feel like i am at the top of the world..But when i am with him,the world automatically just vanishes. He teases me - all the time,for silly things..He drives me nuts - most of the times.. But at the end of the day when he looks into my eyes and says I LOVE U,that wipes away everything else. His presence in my life makes me feel like my life is worth living. For a change,i feel good about myself. For a change,I wanna live.. Live with him.. I wanna show him how much he means to me. I wanna show him that he is my everything,and i dont say it for just the sake of it.. AM IN LOVE.. I FEEL ALIVE..

I wish I could take away all his troubles,sufferings of the past. I wanna be his strength,so that he can fight with anything and everything in life. I wanna be his shadow,so that he never feels that he is alone. I wanna be the ointment for his wounds,i wanna be the sauce for his noodles and all those silly stuff.

I just wanted to tell you people that stop trying so hard that it hurts. Cause true love will find its way to you,like it did in my case. Don't lose faith. Dont give up. Your love is just waiting for the right moment to come to you,and to sweep you off your feet.

Stop asking yourself these questions,take a risk,who knows this could be the last risk u will be taking !!
True love doesn't just exist in books. Happens for real :)
And, I am lucky to have found mine.
Keep smiling,loving and living :) :)

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