1-A 'LIKE'' contraption.
I guess I wanted to 'like' someone's comments on somebody's post umpteen times. But couldn't do so. Instead I had to COMMENT again to like the man's comment.
I mean, I don't mind doing that..but wouldn't it be easier to simply 'like' as on FB?

2- Red notifications reveal 'ONE commented on your post, '...'
Now can Wb please specify who this someone is? So that we can quickly go to the next one in line, if we dislike the person and his comment:)
It's rare..but just in case.

3- I discovered the other day when I 'read n rolled' that I could poll someone's post TWICE...one using my name and also my pen name.
So if she's my BEST friend I can poll her 'speechless' twice..

4- A mechanism whereby I can know exactly WHICH comment and by WHOM was deleted on my post.
Also WHY he did it!
The red notification boasts of..for example three comments..but when I go there, it shows only two.
I'm left flabbergasted..(my favorite word..I don't know what it means!)
Now I wonder what comment it was exactly and my ever curious mind wishes to know WHY he did it?
Can't we save our precious time?

5- No one should be able to DELETE someone else's comment on his or her own post.
If I wrote a post, I shouldn't be able to delete someone's comment on my post..however mean the comment may be.
It is outright cruel and unethical.

6- BAN Mr and Ms Anonymous TOTALLY off Wb.
It's awfully boring to read awesome posts and this horrible name written underneath it.
When we ask who is it..he/she answers..'u know me dear very well!'
or 'guess?'
Now I like to do it sometimes, but every time?
Oh please!

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